Jessica Mirabile
Occupational Therapist
Jessica graduated with a Masters of Occupational Therapy from Curtin University in 2010. Jessica joined the team at Specialised Hand Therapy Services in 2014. Prior to this, Jessica spent three years working in a variety of different roles at Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital including hand therapy, orthopaedics, plastics and neurosurgery.
Jessica was awarded the Accredited Hand Therapist credential in 2016 by the Australian Hand Therapy Association (AHTA). Jessica has successfully completed four AHTA courses including the Mobilising Orthosis Fabrication and Advanced Trauma. More recently she has attended the ‘Pain from an OT Perspective’ course run by Ian Cheok and ‘Neurology and Anatomy of the Upper Limb’ taught by Professor Anthony Pohl and run by the Western Australian Occupational Therapy Association.
Together with Cathy Thomas, Taryn Post and a colleague from Edith Cowan University, Janet Richmond; Jessica has been researching the topic of ‘The Efficacy of Two Splint Treatment Protocols for the Treatment of Mallet Finger’. Jessica attended the Australian Hand Therapy Association Conference in Brisbane in October 2019.