Hand Therapy is also known as rehabilitation of the upper limb. Our goal is to promote recovery, maximise gains and meet specific goals following injury such as returning to function, sport and work related tasks using your hand. Non-surgical treatment may include splinting or casting, exercises, strengthening and other therapy techniques. We also treat patients following their surgery and liaise closely with referring surgeons as to the treatment required.
We treat a variety of conditions including traumatic work and sport injuries and post-surgical conditions affecting the hand and upper limb.
Common conditions include:
- Fractures/Dislocations
- Tendon, Nerve and Ligament injuries
- Soft tissues injuries
- Arthritis
- Pain
- Overuse conditions
Treatment often begins within a few days following injury or surgery.
It may be important that you attend therapy on the day of referral post-operatively to commence mobilisation or fit a protective splint/orthosis.
Specialised Hand Therapy is pleased to be able to offer services to both self-managed and plan-managed NDIS clients. We are proud to provide services which empower people with disabilities to lead a better life and are experienced in working with you to help you meet your identified outcomes and needs. We provide a variety of hand and upper limb services that may be eligible for funding through the NDIS for self-managed and plan-managed clients, including but not limited to:
- Assessment and provision of Orthotic Supports and custom fitted splints (such as for neurological conditions affecting tone in the hand or upper limb, resting night splints, options for the management of contractures, arthritis, hypermobility affecting the fingers and hand, pain in the hand or wrist etc)
- Provision of therapy such as exercises and strengthening programs
- Completion of the Assisted Technology form for application of funding for the provision of Orthotic Supports and Services
If you have any questions regarding our NDIS services or would like to find out if you may be eligible for our services through the NDIS please don’t hesitate to get in contact with our friendly team.

We treat a variety of conditions including traumatic, work, sport injuries and post surgical conditions affecting the hand and upper limb.
Common conditions include:
- Fractures/dislocations
- Fractures post surgery/fixation
- Minimally/Non-displaced Fractures
- Tendon, Nerve and Ligament injuries
- Tendon and Nerve repairs
- Mallet and Boutonniere finger injuries
- Volar Plate, Collateral Ligament injuries
- Crush, Soft Tissue and Nail Bed injuries
- Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and post Carpal Tunnel Release
- De Quervain’s, Tennis Elbow (Lateral Epicondylitis) and Trigger Finger
- Arthritis
- Pain, Myofascial and Overuse conditions
- Dupuytren’s Contracture

Splinting is an important aspect of hand therapy. Splints/Orthoses can be used to protect, immobilise, support or mobilise joints following injury or surgery.
At Specialised Hand Therapy Services we have expertise in design and fabrication of all soft and thermoplastic splints/orthoses and fibreglass casts for the upper and lower limbs.
We also custom manufacture sports guards and protective orthoses for function, pain and return to work. These are made and completed on the same day as appointments.

Depending on your specific needs, expert therapy for any of the following may be required:
- Upper limb and functional assessment
- Exercises to improve movement
- Strengthening exercises
- Scar management
- Management of swelling
- Desensitisation & Sensory re-education
- Pain management
- InterX Neurostimulation
- Functional retraining & exercise